Prefabrication and Installation Material
2. Prefabrication & Installation Material
The selection BWMS piping system is very crucial for project installation . The better piping system mean convinient installation and long term stability, shorter the turnkey period and reduce the construciton cost.
The most important things is you need to ensure you choose the right partner for installing or updating the prefabrication pipe spool. Ensure your provider can deliver the solution for you, on time and on budget. Wherever you are in the world.
Provider Criteria :
Ensure your drawings is fabricate with a dedicate team which has the experience to understand them.
Ensure your pipe spool feature technically superior products to maximize durability and reliability, whilst precise dimension and whole life costs
Ensure your partner can offer you the maintenance and after sales you need.
Flow Process:
During the prefabrication phase (details pipe & structure drawing, fabrication and quality check), Provider Team conducted numerous inspections to ensure that the quality & integrity of prefabricated pipes were up to satisfactory standards. Upon completion of pre-fabrication, Non- Destructive Testing was carried out by qualified personnel and witnessed by Vessel representatives.
a) Details Pipe Fabrication drawing.
b) Details Equipment structure drawing.
c) Bore Pipe Spool Fabricated
d) Small Pipe Spool Fabricated

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