3. BWMS Installation & Installation Supervision
YF Marine have a experience project team to handle the BWMS installation within a time schedule planned. Most of our Team leaders have 15 years expericence in Marine Project and O&G Industry. BMWS installation has several phases need to undergo before achieving the completion of installation.
The phases of BWMS installation as below:
1phase > Material delivery and check & lifting the pipe spools, equipment seat, structure, materials on board.
2phase > Remove existing ballast pump pipeline and any obstacle that avoid new pipe installation,.
3phase > Lifting & transfer all the pipe spool into Engine Room forinstallation work.
4phase > Install the new BWMS pipe spool and instruments ( valve, sensor, control panel ,pump)
5phase > Install seat and Equipment.
6phase > Quality check and verification inspection by Supervisor and Quality Engineer.
Pipe Spool & Material Checking

Lifting Pipe spool, material & Equipment into Engine Room

Remove existing Ballast pump pipe spool for modification

Foundation Installation & Welding work

BWTS Pipe Spool Installation in progress
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